
High Demand For Employment Attorneys

We’ve been serving our clients in Maryland for nearly six years, and believe it or not, we recently received our nineteen-thousandth intake inquiry!  Yes, we have had 19,000 people contact our office seeking our legal services in less than six years.  Lately, we have been averaging between 300 to 400 inquiries every month, and we typically arrange paid legal analysis consultations with about 4o people each month.  Of those, we end up taking ten to fifteen new cases each month, many of which are resolved through a settlement within three months.  Where we cannot negotiate a settlement, we pursue the matter through the EEOC or the Maryland Civil Rights Commission, and then sometimes end up litigating the matter in state or federal court.  I always tell people that if we cannot settle the matter, and we end up going through the EEOC or the Maryland Civil Rights Commission and then go to court, it will be a three to four year process.  As they say, the wheels of justice turn slowly. . .

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